Backyard waterfalls are less appealing when they lay stagnant and still. While some choose fountains and sprayers to agitate the water surface and provide aesthetic appeal, others opt for a more natural waterfall affect. Contracting professionals to augment your waterfall can be expensive. To save money, you can build your own waterfall for your backyard.
Materials Needed
To build a waterfall, you need something to build the height of it with. This can be a mound of dirt, a pile of rocks, or an existing ground slope. You will also need a length of flexible tubing that fits with your pond pump strong enough to use for waterfalls. A tube attachment with a ninety-degree turn is helpful. A preformed plastic waterfall mold is optional.
Building the Waterfall
The first step to build the waterfall is to attach the flexible tube to the pump you will use.Next, build up the ground level on one side of the waterfall. This can be done by piling dirt, stacking up large rocks, or any manner which suits your personal taste. While building up the waterfall base, remember to run the flexible tube up through the pile.
At the top of the waterfall pile, you must make the tube point at a ninety-degree angle to the ground so the water flows out and then falls down into a pond or wherever you would like to make the water flow into. This can be done easily with a plastic, preformed waterfall mold. If you do not use one of these, then position a flat rock that the water can flow over. Faux rock panels work well as a design option to give the waterfall a more natural look. Be sure that the falling water will not erode the waterfall hill. Simple materials and clever placement make for the backyard oasis of your dreams.