Faux Stone Panels Advantages

The Elements of Fake Stone And Brick Panels


Fake stone and brick panels have been made possible by the chemical compound known as polyurethane. The best way to describe it would be by calling it a hardened resin. This resin can be molded in any shape or form enabling it to become anything from architectural elements to panels resembling stone or brick. These products have a diverse range of applications because they are so easy and convenient to install.

Cut Faux Stone Polyurethane
Cut Faux Stone Polyurethane

The hardened polyurethane resin has many qualities that make it the most marketable product in the industry.

When the material is formed and hardened it creates a closed cell structure that makes it impermeable to water. In addition, the panels are UV proof because of the numerous layers of high quality acrylic paint used in its construction.


Durability And Longevity Combined

The rate that the paint fades is 1% every 25 years. It is easy to cut and even easier to adhere to any flat surface. The panels can even be heated to a point where they are flexible enough to adhere on a curve with a ten foot radius. With simple construction adhesives you can be glued and gone in no time.

Faux Stone Close Up
Faux Stone Close Up

The numerous applications for the polyurethane panels are one of the main reasons for the success of this product but one of the greatest assets of this product is the ability to reduce the amount of time spent on any construction project using a stone design. Check out the various colors and textures you can get with Faux Stone Depot just click here.




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